Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Winter Photography Tips

It takes a little extra preparation to shoot in cold temps! But winter photography can yield beautiful photos! The extra effort to prepare for the shoot always pays dividends in the field as you will be as comfortable as possible and your gear will be safeguarded to operate as well as possible in difficult conditions. Here are a few quick tips to help make your winter photography successful:
  1. Travel Light … No need to bring everything! You'll be wearing gloves and there may be snow blowing about so keep your kit as basic as you can…You'll be glad you did!
  2. Keep your lenses and camera bodies enclosed in Large Re-Sealable Freezer Bags to reduce fogging as you move between cold and room temps. Seal the bags while in the cold BEFORE moving indoors. Bring extra batteries and try to keep them warm (use hand warmers).
  3. Dress in layers…Wear good footwear…Bring extra socks and gloves…Wear a hat/ear muffs...Carry sunglasses with you at all times…Have dry towels available.
  4. Stay hydrated! Drink water BEFORE you're thirsty!
  5. Stay SAFE! Ice can be extreemly slippery! No picture is worth getting injured or killed for!
That's it for today! I'll have a much more detailed post regarding winter photography tips and techniques in a few days. Happy New Year!

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